
GB7CIP Amateur Radio International Gateway.

Mail forwarding over AX25, NetRom, IP and SMTP  via HF PACTOR over
Amateur Radio Short Wave bands, VHF, UHF, amprnet wireless and internet links.

G4APL MaintainedUK AX25 BBS Listings 
G4APL MaintainedGB7CIP Forwarding (pdf)

Adobe Reader icon

QRZ callsign lookup:


GB7CIP located in Locator Map Square IO91WH.
Is an International LF/HF PACTOR, TCP/IP,  AX25 BBS Wireless and Amprnet Mail 
Live real-time Gateway for the Local Amateur Radio Community in England.
Providing Amateur Radio Mail/Bulletins to and from Local and Oversea forwarding service.

This has now been enhanced to include Full Duplex PACTOR 1, 2, 3 Gateway operating on the LF/HF (Low Frequency/High Frequency) Amateur Radio Shortwave bands.

So far separate LF/HF multiple dipole aerials, 3 element Mosley Mustang HF beam, and a 5 band LF/HF Vertical have been added to the 'SKYWAVES' aerial farm for LF/HF PACTOR use.
Two of these are connected and automatically selected depending on time of day and the Forwarding BBS Partner being called by the LF/HF Full Duplex (PD1) PACTOR LinFBB BBS system. Leaving the other for Short Wave DX use.

The HF 3 element beam direction is now automatically controlled by the Linfbb BBS forwarding PACTOR interface.
 June 2022 Note: the Heavy Duty HAM MVX Rotator Stuck beaming Long Path VK2 :(((.....

The main PACTOR LF/HF Radio is a KENWOOD TS-480SAT and power is supplied via

This facility will allow access to the GB7CIP Amateur Radio GBR Mail and Bulletin server via the Short Wave Amateur Radio bands. In addition to VHF UHF and TELNET via Wireless amprnet (AMateurPacketRadioNETwork) and also the Internet.

Gateway facilities from LF/HF to VHF/UHF (VHF/UHF to HF) (VHF<>UHF<>NetRom) is available via the GB7CIP LINFBB 'G' gateway command.
Enter GWAY  BBS command when connected to the GB7CIP BBS for details.

There is also a simple FBB Convers 'C' command. Note the PACTOR infterfaces operates in Full Duplex mode. PD1
Where PACTOR configured for Users can liaise, chat to G4APL Paul (and others) if he is around and notices you connected to the FBB Convers server.
Stay logged to the FBB Convers for five minutes to give Paul a chance to login to the FBB convers server.

Some background
PacTOR (Packet Teleprinting On Radio) has combined the best features of both AMTOR (AMateur Teleprinting Over Radio) and Packet to improve the efficiency of HF digital communications. Like Packet and AMTOR, PACTOR sends error free data using a handshaking method.

By convention PACTOR uses USB (Upper Side Band) at with high low frequency tones set to TONE 4 followed by changing the following to recommended values as per the extract from the SCS Manual
MARK 1600Hz
SPACE 1400Hz
Centre Frequency 1500Hz
TR 0 (Default) TX and RX Shift normal MARK using the high tone and SPACE using the low tone

Note - If your Data Controller is not set to the above tones. To find YOUR dial frequency on PACTOR
on LSB: CF + CFT
on USB: CF - CFT

Client Windows software
is a terminal program for the SCS controllers PK232 and PK900 (with all files)
Paul has also used this to drive his TS2000e TNC Sub receiver via the 9600bd serial interface
for 1200bd and 9600bd FM Packet.
And also confirmed that
Alpha4 Packet interface drives the TS2000e
Internal TNC via the serial port interface 9600bd and RF at 1200bd and 9600bd connecting to GB7CIP 70cm Interfaces using Windows7.
Not able to test under Windows10 leave that to the 'readers' to try out.

The client software G4APL uses for one to one contacts:-  Win's PA0NC NcWinPTC, Add configurations to the .ini file.
or the following applications
Alpha4 Download Link,(Works very well with Pactor DUPLEX MODE ENABLED when enjoying Pactor one to one contacts)
Airmail3 HAM, to drive these Multi-Data Controllers.

If you have a KAM XL there is a default tone pair that are configurable
that have been encountered.
High 2295Hz (default)  adjustable 50-4000Hz)
Low  2125Hz (default)  adjustable 50-4000Hz)

So for USB Frequencies
MARK 14094.000 - 2295Hz
DIAL=14091.705 kHz

Kantronics All Mode Communicator
uses HF tone Pair 1800/1600Hz default
Software used for our successful testing two way communication one to one and BBS access
Airmail3.4.062 HAM  with  Centre Frequency set to 1500Hz (Tones 1600Hz/1400Hz)
How to configure airmail3 to access GB7CIP is detailed further down the page

If you have a MFJ1278B there are two different tone pairs
that have been encountered.
The lower pair are according to an old handbook
High 2295Hz
Low  2115Hz

So for USB Frequencies
MARK 14094.000 - 2295Hz
DIAL=14091.705 kHz
The higher pair are according to an MFJ1278 that G4APL connected to.
High 2310Hz
Low  2110Hz

So for USB Frequencies
MARK 14094.000 - 2295Hz
DIAL=14091.690 kHz

If you have a PK232MBX the tones are according to the handbook
High 2435Hz
Low  1985Hz

So for USB Frequencies
MARK 14094.000 - 2435Hz
DIAL= 14091.565 kHz

MARK 21008.000 - 2435Hz
DIAL= 21095.565 kHz

MARK 21112.000 - 2435Hz
DIAL= 21109.565.565 kHz

G4APL still has to carry out tests with a PK232MBX partner
Centre Frequency Tones (CFT) of your particular tnc/controller is the lowest + highest tone divided by two or the mean of mark and space tones, e.g. the CFT of a US PK232 is 2210 Hz.

Soundcard Data Modems
For those of you that are using Soundcard Data Modems, you can also access GB7CIP Pactor Interface configuring your soundcard driver software to PACTOR P1 mode.

The CFT of all SCS controllers is software controlled.
On Pactor-2 a CFT 2000 Hz may be considered. It allows instant switching between USB and LSB and a read-out frequency of - 2 kHz or + 2 kHz respectively.

On Pactor-3 the CFT is fixed to 1500 Hz, USB only.

PACTOR1 300bd FSK 200Hz shift

PACTOR2 300bd effective test throughput 3 to 4 times faster than PACTOR1
With very good propagation conditions this can increase to 4 to 6 times.
Maximum speed of 140 characters per second can be achieved.
bandwidth 450Hz

PACTOR3 under average conditions 3 to 4 times faster than PACTOR2
in good conditions can exceed 5 times.
Maximum throughout
uncompressed 2700 Bits per second (approx. 270 Chars)
compressed 5200 Bits per second (approx. 520 Chars)
bandwidth 2000Hz

The PACTOR system only supports a single one to one connection.
July 2005. Paul had been loaned a SCS PTCII PACTOR controller to enable further experimenting to
be carried out. Yes there has been a high learning curve and some hair pulling to identify and diagnose problems. The lack of scanning was eventually traced to a bug in the xfbb 7.04j server software.

Turned out to be a known problem (Dec 2003). Modified the source code and recompiled the program.

In November 2005 Paul Installed a SCS PTCII Pro PACTOR controller.

Frequency scanning now working as of 18 November 2005 of the 10, 20 and 40 Metre 'Mark' frequencies listed below. Paul looks forward to any testing feedback from HF PACTOR users and adding new international forwarding partners.

Configuration used by GB7CIP can be viewed by selecting the PACTOR GB7CIP Tab


For current active digital stations looking for one to one contacts using AMTOR PACKET PACTOR etc.
Monitor CQ's on
14109.1kHz(default calling) Mark Frequencies
(Dial 14109.5kHz and 14107.5kHz)
SKEDS: Paul G4APL liaises via his WorldWideConvers groups AMPRNET Channel 11

G4APL also uses his KENWOOD TS2000e with a SCS PTCIIex (For PACTOR, Robust 600bd Packet) or
backup KENWOOD TS-480SAT with another SCS PTCII Pro (PACTOR)  for one to one QSO's.

You can access these frequencies from the GB7CIP BBS.
First connect to GB7CIP inbound via NetRom or the Telnet Interface, then
select the Gateway  G command, then enter 8 for the Pactor Interface
Enter F to display the available frrequency List
Select  number assign to the displayed frequency
Entering command CQ

This system operates in Full Duplex mode (Sending/Receiving data automatically). in realtime.
The remote system needs to have Full Duplex enabled.

Of course you can use the command C callsign of the remote pactor system
that you wish to connect to on the selected frequency,

Also Pactor system can connect to GB7CIP then Gateway
out on to NetRom or local  VHF UHF, HF R600bd Packet (if active) Interfaces by
selecting one of the other interfaaces.

 7048.0 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG    7046.4MHz USB Dial
14080.1 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG
14109.1 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG dial -1.6KHz USB 14.107.5MHz (Centre frequency 1500Hz)

14111.1 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG
14113.1 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG

18113.1 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG

21080.0 one to one chat QSO MARK QRG
21111.1 one to one chat QSG MARK QRG

28313.1 one to one Chat QSO MARK QRG
28130.0 one to one Chat QSO MARK QRG

If you want to test your Radio and Pactor Controller interface. You could connect to one of the GB7CIP LinFBB  frequencies being scanned in the listing below.  Remember GB7CIP operates in Full Duplex automatic change over.

PACTOR Frequencies being scanned within IARU Region 1 Data Band Plan

Band Plan changes from 1.1.2006
MODE USB Upper Side Band based on tone pair 1400Hz 1600Hz
refer to comments above. User Access and Forwarding available.
Further adjustment to scanned frequencies to enable GB7CIP to be compatible with the European PACTOR Data user and forwarding network as detailed below.

NOTE: 2009 IARU Region 1 Band 40 Metre Plan Changes
for unattended Automatically Controlled Data Stations
Effective from 29 March 2009

New Frequencies moved up 10kHz.
7047.000 - 7050 000kHz     500Hz   Narrow band mode Automatically Controlled Data Stations unattended
7050.000 - 7053.000kHz     2.7kHz  All Mode Automatically Controlled Data Stations

GB7CIP updated frequency scanning schedule commencing 28 minutes past the hour
             is also part of the USA SKIPNET HF Amateur Radio Forwarding links

HF Band Primary USB  CF1500hz Secondary USB Secondary USB Mode
80 Metres
3594.00kHz MARK_QRG
3592.40kHz Dial Freq
3596.00kHz MARK_QRG
3594.40kHz Dial Freq
40 Metres 7051.50kHz MARK_QRG
7049.90kHz Dial Freq
40 Metres 7050.00kHz MARK_QRG
7048.40kHz Dial Freq
7049.60kHz MARK_QRG
7048.00kHz Dial Freq
7048.00kHz MARK_QRG
7046.40kHz Dial Freq
1, 2
20 Metres 14110.50kHz MARK_QRG
14108.90kHz Dial Freq
14107.50kHz MARK_QRG
14105.90kHz Dial Freq
14107.00kHz MARK_QRG
14105.40kHz Dial Freq
20 Metres 14094.00kHz MARK_QRG
14092.40kHz Dial Freq
14098.00kHz MARK_QRG
14096.40kHz Dial Freq

14096.00kHz MARK_QRG
14094.40kHz Dial Freq

14093.50kHz MARK_QRG
14091.90kHz Dial Freq
14097.50kHz MARK_QRG
14095.90kHz Dial Freq

14094.60kHz MARK_QRG
14095.00kHz Dial Freq

14091.60kHz MARK_QRG
14090.00kHz Dial Freq
1, 2
1, 2

15 Metres 21112.00kHz MARK_QRG
21110.40kHz Dial Freq
15 Metres 21098.00kHz MARK_QRG
21096.40kHz Dial Freq
21098.60kHz MARK_QRG
21097.00kHz Dial Freq
21096.60kHz MARK_QRG
21095.00kHz Dial Freq

10 Metres
28306.00kHz MARK_QRG
28304.40kHz Dial Freq
28130.00kHz MARK_QRG
28128.40kHz Dial Freq

GB7CIP BBS 300baud 600baud Packet, 300baud 600baud  Robust Packet Test Transmissions (Not 24 hour) GB7CIP Packet Beacons every 6 minutes to enable netting, Bold indicates current test Frequency and mode.
Mode R300 or R600 Using the SCS PTCIIPro's DSP MULTI-II Modem module (2300Hz/2100Hz tones Tone 1)
Frequency DIAL 21115.0kHz Mark 21117.3kHz Centre 21117.2kHz or
USB Frequency Dial 28128.4kHz Mark 28130.7kHz Centre 28130.6 Wire Dipole

When Interface active LinFBB beacons every 4 minutes to allow netting on to active frequency.
Reports Welcome as well as assisting with testing with 600, R600 or R300, 300baud.

Both GB7CIP TS-480SAT's had a fault with the ATU not setting and no RF output on ANT1 or ANT2
with Dummy Load or Aerial connected. Based on the following (March 2023)
(Have found a
'video' that explains circuit with diagnostics and the fault that the two TS-480SAT may have had)
13.7.2023 Both Radios repaired and back in service.
My thanks to the Kenwood West London Service Centre.

PACTOR P1/2 Experimental Test USB Dial 3592.4 kHz or
EU One to one frequency 3594.4kHz (1600Hz/1400Hz tones Tone 4(Centre 1500hz} (0900_23:00GMT)

C GB7CIP to access the LinFBB BBS. Wire Dipole or trapped vertical in use.
G4APL (Alpha4 system) when his other system is online for one to one qso.

Contact Paul G4APL to arrange testing skeds

The system is now operational and automatic scanning of the above frequencies for connections.
HF times can be adjusted overnight when HF propagation is available.
Forwarding cycle commences 28 Minutes past the hour.
40 Metres 24 hours
20 Metres 00:00-23:59 UTC (24 Hours)
15 Metres 07:00-20:59 UTC (Later if band conditions change as the Solar Cycle improves)
10 Metres 08:30-16:30 UTC (Later if band conditions change)

31 May 2005
Formal Application Submitted to the Radio Society of Great Britain
(RSGB) Data Communications Committee (DCC)
31 May 2005
RSGB Confirmed receipt of application. Being forwarded to DCC.

27 June 2005 DCC confirmed NOV issued. My thanks to the RSGB/DCC for the quick processing of the Ofcom  Licence NOV application

November 2015 RSGB ETCC and Ofcom renewed all NOV's (Notice of Variation) to G4APL Amateur Radio transmitting Licence to allow 24x7 unattended operations on the above listed Amateur Radio Frequencies..
My thanks for RSGB ETCC G8SFR and Ofcom for processing all the applications
SysOp reminder - Ofcom NOV's Renewal due in October 2024.

Bulletins accepted at GB7CIP
PLEASE DO NOT USE G * in your GB7CIP forward file.
Add the following distributions into your FBB GB7CIP Forward Files

All Personal Message forwarding is based on H Hierarchical address selection.
Distribution around the United Kingdom

The UK can be split into two if there are more that two forwarding
partners into the UK
South and West UK (Including GB7CIP)
H *.#3*.GBR.EU*
H *.#4*.GBR.EU

Midlands, North UK. Wales and Scotland
H *.#1*.GBR.EU*
H *.#2*.GBR.EU*
H *.#5*.GBR.EU*
H *.#6*.GBR.EU*
H *.#7*.GBR.EU*

You can also send emails to amprnet addresses
H *

Current GB7CIP PACTOR partners.

**  F2PY (SK 21.2.2011 Rest In Peace my PACTOR Friend) **
** TA4BC SysOP TA4BBS (SK 1.4.2013 Rest in Peace my PACTOR Friend) **
** VK2AAB Closed down 8.7.2013 - Many thanks Barry for being a PACTOR Forwarding Partner.
 for the past eight years  Enjoy the next stage in your Retirement **
** TA2BBS off air until further notice 1.1.2017 **

G4APL is always looking for new HF PACTOR forwarding partners to Other Parts of the world. 
As an alternative to the local Internet connection which does fail from time to time.
Due to ISP bandwidth changes causing the local VDSL router occasionally not to automatically re-synch correctly.

October 2023
NOTE: The UK VDSL Telephone network will be switched off by December 202
Due to the the above, the DATA Internet Links to GB7CIP's QTH will be converted to a Fibre Cable DATA connection. (Road still to be recabled with fibre)
There will of course be some downtime while the new fibre cable is installed, and the Updated Internet Cable Modem Connection is reconfigued, as well as G4APL's Main Internet facing Gateway firewall/router and Analogue Telephone..

Paul G4APL has a plan which he has discussed with his current ISP Technical Support..(Very Helpfull)
Will hopefually have full Back up Radio HF LF Pactor and 70cm UHF forwarding arrangements in place.
So if you link or connect to this system via the Internet suggest you use the hostname
get around the IPaddress changes.

For full GB7CIP AX25 Personal mail and Bulletin forwarding list. Please refer to the
GB7CIP FBB forwarding routes Personal Mail in PDF format. Link on the Home Page.

Using the Airmail3 HAM version to access GB7CIP PACTOR BBS
Airmail Home Page for the Installation instructions
Go to the download the Airmail 3 for Ham Users

G4APL Paul has had a look at this application as
there are currently a couple of users that use this to access their messages and bulletins.

This has been installed on a Win7 Pro laptop connected to an SCS PTCIIex Data Controller.

The configuration details he used are shown below

Data Controllers Currently Supported by Airmail3 HAM at the time of writing these notes
from the Connections Drop Down List

KAMXL KAM All Mode Communicator
SCS PTC PACTOR controllers

Installation and Configuration
After following the installation Instructions.

Setup Wizard
Selecting and clicking on the Airmail icon
The Set-up Wizard pops up
Enter your Amateur Radio Callsign
Enter your Latitude and Longitude Locator IO91wh
e.g. London would be Lat 51.02.00N Long 000.01.00W
Select you Data Controller type
Select Com Port
Baud rate of the serial Speed between PC and Data Controller
Is your Radio Connected for Remote Control
Y or N

IF the above answer was Y (as in G4APL's Case)
Radio Type Kenwood (as in G4APL's Case)
The Radio Control cable is connect to
HF MODEM Transceiver Control Port
or Computer Port
Baud Rate 4800bd

If you Selected N

Options Routing

G4APL added a new default Entry and renamed the previous one Winlink
Received Via Address to Post Via Comment
User Default GB7CIP Default AX25

Now select
Options (Airmail Options)
Center Frequency 1500Hz
Radio Forwarding
tick Receive Before Sending
Forwarding Protocol FBB Binary Level 2 (B2F) (Should auto negotiates during initial exchange)
Auto Answer
Untick Incoming Connect ( was you would be polling GB7CIP)
ZIP CODE enter your QRA Locate Code e.g. IO91WM

Routing will be using the NEXUS Pseudo Callsign
Post via GB7CIP

Example Sending a Packet Message
To send a message to Paul G4APL
Select File/New (or CTRL/N)
This will automatically Create a record in the address book, if Callsign not present in Address Book
otherwise select entry in address book then <OK>
Name G4APLPaul
To g4apl@gb7cip.#32.gbr.euro
Email Gate (leave blank)
Post via GB7CIP
Then enter Subject and Message content.

Sending the message
Tune your radio to one of
GB7CIP LH/HF PACTOR frequencies. Listed under the PACTOR Tab

Select Terminal ICON GLOBE (Far Right) or Press F6 key
[GB7CIP] [ Look up GB7CIP PACTOR Frequency List)
Select the Green Icon to start transmitting

Note: You need to have contacted Paul G4APL to set up your User account first on the GB7CIP BBS
for the forwarding to work.
Or connect to the GB7CIP BBS using terminal mode and follow the new user prompts.

The system will then be ready for you to use,  to send and received SP mail.

Paul is still learning and testing Airmail3 HAM
updated 17 December 2013, Revised 23 November 2018

Using Outpost Packet Message Manager and SCS PTC-IIex PTC-IIPro
to connect to HF PACTOR BBS GB7CIP

OPMM Support website

G4APL got this working with his Win7 Pro Laptop
connected via a USB/Serial Adaptor connected to his SCS PTC-IIex
The same configuration file could be used for and SCS-PTCIipro.

This file could be used as a basis to configure for Packet or AMTOR BBS's

The configuration file is basically the same that is for by
GB7CIP LinFBB PACTOR interface.

'G4APL Outpost TNC Initialisation Script for SCS PTC-IIex
updated 18.11.2013 19:52 G4APL
Cut and Paste the following into the Left Hand Panel of TNC Initialisation Script
MYCALL CA1LL (Replace CA1LL with your licenced Callsign)
MYSELC CALL (Replace CALL with your Selcall)
BR 5
BC 0
CWID 0 3
PSKA 140
PDT 12
TR 0
TRX OFF -1.600

In the Right Hand panel

then <SAVE> the settings

BBS Commands
LB will cause GB7CIP to send over a thousand
Bulletin list. OUTPOST appears not to keep a record
of the Last Bulletin Message Listed. Which is a Shame.

L will list all new Bulletins and Messages since you last connect
to the BBS and logged off with the B(ye) Command, which resets the
last counter.

To get round this Paul changed the
List Bulletin command from LB to L

It would appear that OUTPOST Packet Message Manager does not download
the AX25 BBS Bulletins as a List Index. Thus allowing the Operator to select
the required Bulletins to read.  Saving time and HF Bandwidth.

Outpost does allow downloading selected Categories.

Testing continues

G4APL had a requirement to use OUTPOST to Telnet to an FBB server

This is how it was configured
Outpost Packet Message Manager


Telnet configuration

Selected Setup
Created new Interface Name

GB7CIP Telnet 6300

Selected interface type


Went back and reselected the

and selected from the drop down interface list

Selected the Telnet Tab
Entered Remote host IPaddress ###.###..###.###
Remote port 6300
Network Timeout 5000

LOGON PROMPT (In Linfbb they are)
Logon Callsign :
Password Password :

Then select <OK> to save settings


Selected and created new BBS Name
BBS Name GB7CIP-Telnet-6300
Connect Name GB7CIP
Description Telnet BBS

TNC NAME from dropdown list
Set/Get TNC GB7CIP-Telnet-6300

<OK> to save settings

Station ID
Identification tab
Current profile Outpost
User Callsign G9TEST
Username g9test
Message ID Prefix TST

Select BBS Logins
Select New (or change as required)
Logon on as G9TEST
BBS Friendly Name GB7CIP-Telnet-6300

BBS Name GB7CIP-Telnet-6300
User Logon G9TEST

User/Connect PWD password

Select apply
select <OK>

Select Signatures Tab

Select insert as signature for Callsign in all messages

sent using Outpost

Winpac HF PACTOR Connection to GB7CIP
VK2NA  has tested The Winpac Application
driving a SCS PTCIIpro Multi-communication
data controller. Can also be used with the SCS PTCIIex.

He has been connecting to GB7CIP HF/LF PACTOR BBS and Gateway via the long and short
paths on 14MHz 21MHz.

More configuration details will be added here in due course.
Reviewed 23.3.2024